
Showing posts from December 30, 2004

Makassar Aid Center (POSKO)

Jurnal Celebes Bank BNI Cabang Mattoangin Makassar No.248.181021462 Contact: Sultan/Rahmad

Surabaya Aid Center (POSKO)

Posko Solidaritas Aceh DPW PKS Jawa Timur Galaxy Bumi Permai Blok H-5 No 6 Surabaya Telp (031) 5993760 dan seluruh kantor DPD PKS se-Jawa Timur. Transfer atas nama PKS BCA No Rek 7600-32-1166 Bank Syariah Mandiri No Rek 003.0071601 Posko Bencana Alam Koarmartim Pasukan Katak Koarmatim Ujung, Surabaya Telp. 031 3298392 & 3201289

Bogor Aid Center (POSKO)

POSKO SOLIDARITAS ACEH DPD PKS KAB. BOGOR Ruko Nirwana Estate Jl. Raya Cikaret No. 29 Cibinong Kab. Bogor 16914 Telepon/fax 87914409 Rekening bank: BSM cab. Cibinong no. rekening: 0430013379 atas nama PKS

Aceh MAP and list of Cities (Kabupaten/Kota)

For those of you who need area where the tsunami striked (Aceh and North Sumatra) you can find the map to those here: Air Putih / Peta Info peta propinsi Sumatera Utara dan Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam [Map of Aceh and North Sumatera Province] Peta Aceh Utara [Map of North of Aceh] | download disini ( Peta Kota Banda Aceh [Map of Banda Aceh] | download disini ( This is the list of all Cities (Kabupaten/Kota) and the number of Villages (Desa) in its cities: