
Showing posts from December 31, 2004

Media Center for Aceh

Air [Media Peduli Bencana Tsunami] got a more suitable domain and reinvent itself as: Aceh Media English version available here: Aceh Media [English] domain is also functioning. Courtesy of Thomas at

Several Links

More links on how you can help relief the disaster victims: Tsunami Relief [Google] Tsunami Disaster Relief [eBay] Amazon Honor System [Amazon]

Jambi Aid Center (POSKO)

AID CENTER for Aceh KKI-WARSI, Yayasan SIKOK, dan PKBI Jambi. Jl. Kapt. M. Daud No 48 Jambi

Donation by SMS

Easy way to help the disaster victims without have to get up from your seat. » For XL [exelcomindo] users, since 30 Dec 2004 , you can just send an SMS (named SMS Aceh Donation) to help relieved disaster victims in Aceh and North Sematera Tariff: Prepaid (Jempol & Bebas) : Rp. 5.000/SMS Postpaid (Xplor) : Rp. 5.000/SMS Just type: ACEH and send it to no: 5000 So if you want to donate, say, Rp 500,000 that means good luck sending 100 sms's For more information: [Bahasa Indonesia] » For Telkomsel (Kartu Halo, Simpati, Kartu As), and Telkom Flexi (Flexi Classy dan Flexi Trendy), send SMS to number 2000, with " Peduli Aceh " on the message. You are donating Rp 2000 for each SMS. » For IM3 users send SMS to no 5000 and put "Aceh" on the message to send Rp 5000 as donation for each message.

Samarinda Aid Center (POSKO)

POSKO PEDULI ACEH SAMARINDA Kalimantan Timur Jl Markisa No. 2 Samarinda Telepon: 0541-745344 Kontak Person: Sigit [ 0812 551 5582 ], Faisal K [ 0815 208 0975 ] Rekening: Bank Mandiri Cabang Kesuma Bangsa Samarinda No Rekening: 148.0004351774 an. JARI Indonesia HMI Cabang Samarinda Jl Angklung A/A1 Prevab Samarinda - 75123 - Kalimantan Timur Kontak Person: Rudy [ 0812 530 2457 ] POKJA 30 Jl Danau Maninjau No. 12 Samarinda - 75117 - Kalimantan Timur Telp. 0541-741052 email: Kontak Person: Firdaus Hassan Tayyeb [ 0816 451 9551 ] Complete info:

How Americans and Canadians can send aid to Indonesia

From Tsunami Help For those in US , who want to help the victims in Indonesia, the Indonesian Embassy has just put out a press release. Excerpts: For the time being, the victims urgently need, among others, the following items: Food, including instant food [READY TO EAT FOOD] and baby food Body bag Drinking water Generator set Medicines Blankets Tents Cotton Mosquito nets Water buckers Clothes Mattresses Donations and contributions could be directly delivered to the National Coordinating Agency for Natural Disaster and Refugees Relief (Bakornas PBP) . It is advised to have the list of items legalized by the Consular Division of the Embassy of Indonesia (tel. 202-7755314). The address of the Bakornas PBP is as follow: BAKORNAS PBP Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 36 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Tel. (62-21) 3458400 Fax. (62-21) 3505075/3458500 Contact Person: Mr. Sugeng (cellphone: +628164850361) Financial contribution could be made ...

Looking for someone in Aceh / North Sumatera?

Put it in this forum from Air » Missing Person [Forum] Other way send an email to CNN to be included on their site: » E-mail appeals: Indonesia Or BBC » Missing Person Indonesia Others » Missing People Database - Find information about missing relatives and friends after the earthquake in South East Asia » Tsunami Locator - Links and information to find missing person in all coutries. » Tsunami Missing - Resources, links and post your information on missing person or how to find a missing person. » ThornTree - Lonely Planet Forum - Post here to look for missing person. » Missing Persons - Search or submit [including photos] the person you are looking for [Aceh Media Center]

Official Progress Report from Disaster Area - 30 Dec 2004

Report from Posko Bakornas PBP - 2004-12-30 18:37:14 [National Coordination Body] Source and complete report here: Bulletin No 7; 30 Desember 2004 TOTAL VICTIMS [30 Dec, 10.00 WIB] Dead Korban meninggal sejumlah 45.268 jiwa Missing Korban hilang sebanyak 1.240 jiwa. Injured Korban luka/sakit rawat jalan sebanyak 1542 Korban rawat inap berjumlah 381 orang. Relocated Penduduk yang mengungsi 80.231 jiwa (Depkes) Another 19,.000 (RAPI) CURRENTLY there have been established a POSKO GABUNGAN (Join Command Post) of Depkes, Depsos, PMI [red cross], TNI [army] and POLRI [police dept] that divided the disaster area into 5 work zones. Sektor I : Darussallam meliputi 4 desa [ villages ] Sektor II : Ulele Karing meliputi 6 desa Sektor III : Lambaro meliputi 4 desa Sektor IV : Beurawe meliputi 8 desa Sektor V : Mataie meliputi 5 desa SUPPLY NEEDED Suplai pangan siap santap [ ready meal ] (bukan bahan mentah) sangat diperlukan. Diperlukan bantu...

Fund Raising for Aceh in Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta

Aceh Solidarity Night, Prayer and Fund Raising will be held on: Hari : Jum'at [Friday] Tanggal : 31 Desember 2004 Waktu : Setelah sholat Isya' berjama'ah hingga selesa [19.00] Tempat [place] : Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta Pusat [Istiqlal Mosque] Invited guest: Dr. Hidayat Nur Wahid (Ketua MPR RI), Prof. Dr. Din Syamsudin (SekJen MUI), and more.