Calling for help from Sumberbatikan
Hans van den Broek in Yogyakarta on his blog informs several bank account for earthquake donation: NETHERLAND Name: P Ponirah Address: Molenstraat 4, 4841 CD Prinsenbeek, The Netherlands Acc. nr. 142 5590 24 For donations from outside The Netherlands, you'll need this information: IBAN: NL48 RABO 0142 5590 24 BIC: RABONL2U AUSTRALIA Barry Crooks (from Australia) National Australia Bank Mastercard a/c no. 5313 5855 1124 4593 UNITED STATES And Bernie Adeney-Riskotta (US) Acc. nr. 040011515315, Citybank, Shattuck and University Ave, Berkeley More on his post Sumberbatikan for background info Contact Info: Hans van den Broek Ponirah Productions Vertaal- en redigeerwerk Jl. Dumung 111A CT VIII Karang Gayam Depok Sleman Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia T + 62 (0)274 565107 M + 62 (0)8882700194