
Showing posts from January 12, 2005

Aceh Interactive Map [Flash]

Interactive map [flash] on Aceh with location names and population information can be found here: More links about various maps on Aceh can be found on this page: Aceh IT-Media Center - Map

Tsunami Victims Children Shelter

Announcement from Indonesian Social Welfare Ministry 's site [ ] about Children Shelter for children from the disaster areas, Aceh and North Sumatera provinces. Children Shelter - Social Welfare Department Jalan Williem Iskandar No.377 Medan, North Sumatera. Phone: 061-6613305 08129856067 08126076831 The shelter is intended for abandon children of earthquake and tsunami victims that lost their parents. The site also provide a link to a page about displaced and missing tsunami children information as well as adoption information . Adopsi, Pengasuhan dan Perwalian, serta Program Depsos Above page link to these two list: Displaced Children List Missing Children List The annoucement in Bahasa Indonesia: PENGUMUMAN Sehubungan dengan telah ditetapkannya Bencana Nasional atas terjadinya gempa bumi dan gelombang tsunami yang telah menelan ribuan umat manusia di Provinsi Nanggro...