These three websites are updating their information from the disaster location, mostly in Yogyakarta. Includes updated information of aid centers, victims count, situation report, pictures and more. HELP JOGJA.NET (UGM) Contact info Yogyakarta - Universitas Gadjah Mada PPTIK UGM - (0274) 515660 Posko UGM Peduli, Bpk Deda - 08122694462 Bambang Prastowo, PPTIK UGM - 08157950791 Herman Saksono - 0811258949 Wahyu Bimo Sukarno - 081328857693 Michael Andreas - 0817443666 Email: JALIN MERAPI Contact info Sekretariat JALIN MERAPI Jl. Ngadisuryan 26 Yogyakarta 55133 Telp/fax.: 0274-418929 Email: MEDIA CENTER (AIR PUTIH) Contact info Jl. Ampel 10, Papringan Yogjakarta Tlp. (0274) 554444 (masuk dari belakang KFC dekat IAIN) Contact person: Valens Riyadi Email: