
Showing posts from May 30, 2006

Indonesia Central Java Earthquake Update Report - PDMIN

" Indonesia Central Java Earthquake Update (29 May) " compiled by Pacific Disaster Management Information Network (PDMIN) can be view here: Indonesia Central Java Earthquake To contact PDMIN: Pacific Disaster Management Information Network (PDMIN) 1 Jarrett White Road MCPA-DM, Tripler AMC, HI 96859-5000 Telephone: 808.433.7035

International Donations for Yogyakarta/Indonesia Earthquake Relief

Merlyna Lim' s posted Indonesian Earthquake: How to Help where she researched and compiled alist of charities and online donation for Yogyakarta earthquake relief. ... I have done a small research and found out that these charities are established and trusted organizations. Those located in the US are registered as public charity with 501 (c) (3) status. All of them have specifically appealed for donation for Indonesian Earthquake of May 2006.... Indonesia Relief Click here to donate online (tax deductible) Website: Check: Payable to: Indonesian Embassy Send to: Indonesian Embassy c/o Mrs. Nino Kodirun Mailing Address: 2020 Massachusetts Ave, Washington, DC 20036 Wire Transfer: Account name: Dana Bantuan (Fund Assistance) Account Number : 0019-2153-1110 Memo: Yogyakarta Relief Fund Address: Bank of America 730 15th Street, NW 7th Floor – Washington DC, 20005 Save the Children Click here to donate online (tax deductible) Web...

Earthquake Magnitude 5.6 in PAPUA, INDONESIA

Magnitude 5.6 - PAPUA, INDONESIA, 2006 May 30 03:28:52 UTC More info: Papua Earthquake Google Map of the Papua Earthquake Location Location 3.723°S, 140.127°E Depth 30 km (18.6 miles) set by location program Region PAPUA, INDONESIA Distances 147 km (91 miles) SSW (206°) from Jayapura, Irian Jaya, Indonesia 174 km (108 miles) SW (228°) from Vanimo, New Guinea, PNG 269 km (167 miles) N (356°) from Tanahmerah, Irian Jaya, Indonesia 1009 km (627 miles) NW (309°) from PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea

American Red Cross donation for Earthquake in Indonesia

Earthquake in Indonesia A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Yogyakarta located on the Indonesian island of Java. Homes and communities have been destroyed. Thousands have been killed, injured and displaced. This event is the worst disaster since the December 2004 tsunami.... Online donation for Earthquake in Indonesia through American Red Cross is available here: American Red Cross

More Pictures from Yogyakarta

More here: Y_Anta's Flickr (104 photos) Help Jogja Gudegnet

More local websites from Yogyakarta (pictures, news, how to help) (victims report, pictures, updates) (pictures, news, updates, aid centers)

Damages Report - Yogyakarta Earthquake has a database of damages/victims report by villages in disaster area that you can find on this page: Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare provides updated damages report >> Data 29 Mei 2006 Pukul 13.00 (PDF) >> Data 28 Mei 2006 Pukul 19.00 (PDF)

Aid Centers in Yogyakarta Area

Jaringan Relawan Kemanusiaan Posko Bantul Rumah Bapak Sumardi Desa Bakalan, Cepit, Kelurahan Pendowoharjo, Kec Sewon Jalan Raya Bantul Km 9,2, Bantul. CP: Isnu 0816 787 635 Posko KAMMI Peduli Bencana, Masjid Mardhiyah UGM (Selatan RSUP.Dr.Sardjito) Contact Person Rizal, HP.081328878043. Posko UKM Univ. Atmajaya, Gedung Pusgiwa, Jl.Babarsari, 43 Yogyakarta. Rek.BNI Cab.Yogyakarta,No.96176358 a/n Susilo Tri Prasetyo, Koordinator: P Susilo Tri Prasetyo,HP.085643200102 RS.Bethesda Yogyakarta Cp.Esranamardiyah Telpon.0274.586688-ext.1500 (used clothes) Posko Gempa Jogja Yayasan AirPutih (Media Center) Jl. Ampel 10, Papringan, Yogyakarta Telpon: 0274-55-4444 SMS : 9731 Contact Person: Valens Riyadi POSKO WALHI Posko Induk WALHI Yogya: 0817-941-065 WALHI DIY: Ella 0852-2861-0455 WALHI Kota: Wahyu 081-5760-0761, Tatang & Simbah 081-2273-6228 WALHI Jawa Timur Telp. +62-31-5014092 Faks. +62-31-5054313 CP: Abenk (0815-5339-4062) WALHI Jawa Tengah CP: Amri (081-2261-2241) & ...

Aid Centers in JAKARTA for Yogyakarta Earthquake

Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare PR Dept. of Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare Jl. Merdeka Barat No. 3 Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta Indonesia Phone (62 21) 34832544, 3453289 Fax (62-21) 3453289 Posko TNI AU (Air Force Aid Centers) Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, hubungi 021-8019035. Posko Departemen Kesehatan (Ministry of Health) Telpon: 021-526-5043 Fax : 021-527-1111 Posko Kemanusiaan Metro TV (Metro TV Station) Jl. Pilar Mas Raya Kav. A-D Kedoya Kebon Jeruk Telpon: 021-583-00077, ext 21014 atau 021-581-2088, ext 5555 Bantuan yang diutamakan: Bahan Makanan siap saji, Tenda, Selimut, Obat-obatan. Posko GPII Jln. Keselamatan no. 15 RT.14/01 Manggarai Selatan Tebet Jakarta Selatan 12860 Telp; 021-8309011 Posko Indonesia Peduli (Indonesia Care) For goods: Jl. Borobudur No. 7 - Menteng Jakarta Pusat Kontak : Bp. Maryono HP. 0812 964 2823 021 319300-42 For medical assistance contact: Dr. Moerdani HP. 0817 4911907 021 787 272...

Important Phone Numbers from

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