
Showing posts from May 27, 2006

Yogyakarta Earthquake: Some Videos

Taken from Herman Saksono Blog. Herman Saksono is Yogyakarta based blogger, he wrote on his post that after the initial earthquake around 6.00 am local time, there was some aftershock quakes at 10.15 am and 11.00am and several weaker earthquakes. There was some rumors about Tsunami as well that create panic reaction in Yogyakarta area. Electricity was down for several hours and coming back around noon. The south area of Yogyakarta experienced the most damages, mostly in the form of collapsing walls. In the Kotagede (south Yogyakarta) area, Herman's uncle can't reach to the main road because his small road (gang) is fill with debris. Here are some videos he took in Yogyakarta North Ring Road of Tsunami rumors panic reaction and other situation in Yogyakarta. More on his post .

Yogya Earthquake: Picture from location

More at: Yogya Quake: Media Center Photo Gallery

Yogya Earthquake: Missing Person

Air Putih at has created a database of Yogya Earthquake Missing Person. You can submit a missing person request of information on the page. >> Yogya Earthquake Missing Person

Aid Centers (POSKO) for Yogya Earthquake

= = = = = = = = = = YOGYAKARTA = = = = = = = = = = KPI (Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia) Jogjakarta Jl. Pamularsih wb 3/233 Yogyakarta Telp: (62 274) 7478446 Email: Bpk Drajad Jl. Tirtodipuran gang mawar 115 Jogjakarta 55143 telp: 0274-381327 Rifka Annisa Wcc Jl. jambon IV/69A Kompleks jati mulyo indah jogja (62 274 553333) Contact person Tyas/Ama Posko Gempa Jogja Jl Ampel 10 papringan jogjakarta. telp (0274) 554444 atau layanan sms 9731 POSKO AIRPUTIH ( Yayasan AirPutih Citraweb ISP) FREE INTERNET ACCESS Jl. Ampel 10, Papringan Yogjakarta Tlp. (0274) 554444 (masuk dari belakang KFC dekat IAIN) Contact person: Valens Riyadi Hotline ACT ( Aksi Cepat Tanggap ) Eko Yudho 0816 169 3044 (on location) Bayu Gawtama 0852 1906 8581 (on location) Imam Akbari 021-7061 4482 (donation) = = = = = = = = = = JAKARTA = = = = = = = = = = POSKO WALHI Jl. Tegal Parang Utara 14 Jakarta Selatan Tel: 021 7919 3363-68 Contact Person: Torry: 0811 383 270 Leo: 0813 111 75291 Sekretariat Kopp...

Yogyakarta Earthquake Victims Reported 2,458 Dead

Info from Data victims until 16.30 local time today from Satkorlak DIY [Yogyakarta's Coordinator Body ] reported 2,458 killed with location details: Yogyakarta 101 dead Kulonprogo 7 dead Gunungkidul 27 dead Sleman 55 dead Bantul 2.090 dead Klaten 175 dead Boyolali 2 dead Number of victims predicted to increase, specially in Bantul area, the nearest town to the epicenter, of the earthquake suffer the most destruction with condition describe as "flat to the ground" . City of Bantul official website: has no updates about the earthquake at the moment.

6.2 Earthquake in Yogyakarta, Indonesia This Morning

This morning May 27 at 5:54 AM local time in Java, Indonesia. Earthquake occured about 25 km SSW of YOGYAKARTA or about 440 km ESE of JAKARTA with Magnitude 6.2 according to USGS. Casualities reported until now about 104 dead. Yogyakarta is is known as a center of classical Javanese fine art and culture and the only province in Indonesia that is still formally governed by a precolonial Sultanate, the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat . It is also the home to Gajah Mada University , the biggest university in South East Asia. Plenty of people from Yogyakarta lives in Jakarta and they all wondering about their family and friends there. Bloggers respond about the earthquake . , Yogyakarta blogger community has a short post regarding the earthquake. The earthquake was reported not a volcanic one from Mount Merapi an active volcano nearby, but came from underwater tectonic shear. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones and who are injured in this disast...