Surabaya Aid Center (POSKO)

Posko Solidaritas Aceh
DPW PKS Jawa Timur
Galaxy Bumi Permai Blok H-5 No 6 Surabaya
Telp (031) 5993760 dan seluruh kantor DPD PKS se-Jawa Timur.

Transfer atas nama PKS
  • BCA No Rek 7600-32-1166
  • Bank Syariah Mandiri No Rek 003.0071601

Posko Bencana Alam Koarmartim
Pasukan Katak Koarmatim
Ujung, Surabaya
Telp. 031 3298392 & 3201289


Anonymous said…
Please i am looking for a man: Ronald van der Paardt, from Holland . He traveled to Indonesia(Surabaya) and i don t know about him. I would like to know how searching for him, all the pages for searching are in the local language and I dont undertand. Please help me friends. Mi mail is .
I woulk like can do the search in internet but is difficult in other language that was not spanish or english.
Thanks for your interest.
Anonymous said…
Is there an Indonesian site where the list of victims (foreigners) is published?

I've been looking for my father since the December Tsunamies to no avail. I've been looking for a site like Thailand's victims site for Indonesia. Replies to:

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