Help Still Needed

The navy ships and chopper support are focusing on Meulaboh but the reality is that there are thousands of people in smaller and more remote communities North and South who have not had any assistance since the quake.

This is the urgent need to which The Electric Lamb Mission is working hard to respond, in effective, holistic, capacity-building, culture-sensitive and community-empowering ways.

Posted today

Until our arrival yesterday, this community had seen no aid at all, save for one insufficient food drop from a helicopter. We immediately brought them two small boats full of food, lamps (with kerosene), clothes, and hygiene supplies. They still have an urgent need for roofing iron, seeds, and more food, and we will continue to supply them in the future.

Those that have survived to this point are reasonably healthy, although there is one suspected case of malaria. But there are many flags visible along the beach, marking the gruesome remains of the many victims still not buried. We will return to the encampment today with body bags, gloves, boots and masks.

But despite what we give them, the community seems lost and hopeless without its women. To rebuild their community in a physical way seems feasible, but how can anyone measure the loss of all of their wives and children?


Island Aid said…
My partner Jane Liddon and I live in Padang, West Sumatra and we have been active in the islands and along the West Sumatran coast for over 10years. After the Dec 26th tsunami we alerted government agencies and everyone we could reach to bring focus to what we knew must be "ground zero". For several days the media attention was on Phuket and Sri Lanka. Nobody was talking about Aceh & the islands close to the epicentre.

We filled our charter yacht with family buckets, medicine and clothing. With the support of the Mayor of Padang we arranged for local doctors and paramedics to join our team of local volunteers. Aus Aid supported us and "Electric Lamb" was the first aid boat to reach the southern Aceh islands. Our team reported that the situation was far worse than we had imagined. We worked day and night to secure a larger ship and KM BATAVIA (800GRT) arrived in Meulaboh on Jan 25th fully loaded. The first charter weeks were fully supported by the Rolls-Royce Aceh Rapid Relief Fund together with private donations from friends and family. We named our volunteer group "The ELECTRIC LAMB MISSION" Please take a tour of our organization at

For the past 3+ months we have helped other NGOs support a population of over 12,000 in the Sampoiniet area of NW Aceh. Obor Berkat Indonesia, North West Medical, Canadian Relief, MAF, Mentor and many others worked hard with us to help shattered communities on this disfigured coast. We are currently working in Nias & Simeulue where the problems are different and in some ways far more difficult to manage.

The plan outlined below will keep BATAVIA on station on the west coast with emergency equipment and medical staff on board. BATAVIA will be ready for rapid deployment to any new location impacted by the on-going seismic activity in the region.

Seismologists are in general agreement that there will be further major events as the fault adjusts in a southerly direction, the question is "when" and not "if". We propose to work with a basket of NGOs and Agencies, so that the cost of funding Batavia can be spread among many over the months ahead. NGOs and Agencies will benefit by having access to a regular resupply/staff rotation service. Land based Poskos in remote locations will become more feasible and less dependent on air support.


AIM: To keep BATAVIA in readiness for anticipated major seismic events while continuing to service areas already supported.

SCHEDULE: Regular trips from Padang/Sibolga to BA and back with loading each port every 10-14 days.

PROGRAM: Batavia will stop for distribution/medical support in all the areas we have identified as being too remote for mainstream aid to reach. We want to maintain contact with the communities we have supported in the past and help new areas as we identify them. As far as possible we want to work with smaller boats & to resupply them to extend outreach more efficiently.

SUPPORT: In addition to health clinics, our multitalented volunteers will work with local communities to implement:

- Water supply and sanitation needs.
- Food distribution
- Vector control for Malaria and Dengue as well as residual spraying of tents & buildings.
- Fisheries rehabilitation and boat repair or new building.
- Bagan (fish platform) rehabilitation and new building.
- Education - supplementary activities, support and sports
- Shelter initiatives during the lead time needed for permanent housing to be completed.
- livelihood initiatives to restart agriculture and mariculture
- technical and trades support for reconstruction efforts

BUDGET: Assuming current costs:

A pool of 5 donors could contribute $20,000 per month each
A pool of 10 donors could contribute $10,000 per month each
A pool of 20 donors could contribute $ 5,000 per month each

Or a mix of the above.

Each donor to support supply of appropriate aid materials for loading according to the schedule. Direct donations to ELM will be sought to contribute towards capital items or specific mini-projects. Universities will be approached on the basis of donations to secure space for participating student volunteers seeking field experience in aid work.

We are in negotiation with funders to secure the purchase and upgrade of the Batavia and if successful a substantial saving will be realized.

Let us know if our mission fits your criteria for support.

Rick on Batavia
Phone +873 763 931 931 644
Handphone +62 81534059018
Alternative +62 8126627884
Situation update

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