WALHI [Indonesian Forum for the Environment and Friends of the Earth Indonesia] as a part of Indonesian Civil Society Coalition for the Victims of Earthquake and Tsunami [these organizations included: Walhi, Aceh Kita, Kontras, AWG-Aceh Working Group] has launch a 2nd appeal for Indonesian Tsunami victims.

More info about this here: 2nd Donation Appeal for Indonesian Tsunami Victims

For information, call our Jakarta HOTLINE at :+62-21-794 1672

Donations received via this channels:

» UNITED STATES, trough Global Greengrants Fund [receives credit cards on-line, wire transfer, checks, stock and more] donate here
Contact: Chet Tchozewski chet@greengrants.org

Friends of the Earth Europe (Belgium)
IBAN: BE02 4279 1524 2140
Please mark the transfer with "TSUNAMI"!

Additional information (normally not needed for Euro-transfers):
KBC Bank, Place Stephanie 10, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Account number: 427-9152421-40

Please mention TSUNAMI on your transfer.
For confirmation martin.rocholl@foeeurope.org

All the funds collected in the United States, Europe, and other international donations is transfered to our account below:

Name on Account : Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia
Account No. : 3-000026-173
Name of Bank : Citibank
Branch : Menara Citibank
Address : Jln. Metro Pondok Indah Kavling II/BA, No. 1, Jakarta, INDONESIA
Swift Code : CITI IDJX
Routing Code : DDA 10995291

For information, call our Jakarta HOTLINE at :+62-21-794 1672

Update on Aceh available [in english] here: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 4th Jan]

More about the coalition here: The Indonesian Civil Society Coalition for the Victims of Earthquake and Tsunami


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