Webgis/Webmapping Application - Java Quake
Sistem Informasi Bencana DIY
Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Peta dan Informasi Bencana Gempa Jogjakarta dan Jateng (SG Viewer needed)
Jurusan Teknik Geodesi UGM dan Bappeda DIY
[Via Eko]
Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Peta dan Informasi Bencana Gempa Jogjakarta dan Jateng (SG Viewer needed)
Jurusan Teknik Geodesi UGM dan Bappeda DIY
[Via Eko]
Soon after Tsunami, which killed more than two and a half lakhs of people and had originated from the island, Sumatra, it was found out that, after the earthquake the north western part of the island simeulue, which was in that region had risen about three feet high above sea level. On account of this, a new shore had formed on the north western part of the island. In addition to that; the sea sponges which were on the sea bed were visible above the sea level!
Three months after the earthquake on 26th December, 2004, another quake occurred on 28th March 2005 after which simeulue was found to be four feet above sea level. Apart from this, for an area of about three hundred kilometers, sea sponges which are normally found below the sea could be seen from all visible areas!
Why did the island rise four feet above sea level ?
As the molten rock keeps cooling gradually, the rocky plates that are formed at different levels are of less thickness and density and they keep rising continuously.
The main reason is that, when the molten rock cools, the water and hot gases get released and the rocky plates that are formed are of lesser thickness than the magma in which they formed. Water has a higher density and the ice cubes formed from it have a lower density and they tend to float on water Likewise, the molten rock material which has a higher density produces rocky plates which have a lower density and these move above sea level and form islands.
When new plates are produced by the molten rock material, they start moving upwards thereby pushing the plates which were already formed. The plates suddenly start rising upwards due to intense pressure.
Similar to the ripples that are formed and expanded when a plate of water is hit at the centre from below with a finger, when the island simeulue, which was found in the central part of the Indian Ocean suddenly rose up, the water was pushed aside in all directions and only this resulted in Tsunami.
The frequent occurrences of earthquakes and Tsunami in Indonesia are only due to the sudden rising of the islands.
But, the geologists have come up with a different explanation for the earthquakes which occur there. They say that, about six and a half crores of years ago, India was an island on the southern part of the equator. It moved slowly towards north and collided with Asia about five crores of years ago and it is still continuing its movement. The geologists also opine that due to this movement, when the indo-Australian plate suddenly went below the Burmese plate on December 26th, 2004, an earthquake occurred. There is no truth in what they say because even six and a half crores of years ago India had been part of Asia in the same place as it is found now.
The fossils of mammals which lived in Asia six and a half years ago have been excavated in the form of bones by Professor Ashok Sahani of Punjab University and Professor G.V.R. Prasad of Jammu University in the village of Naskal at Andhra Pradesh and they prove that the above statement is true.(see reference) So, as per the researchers’ opinion, India had not been an island on the southern part of the equator about six and a half crores of years ago
So, it is proved that even six and a half crores of years ago India had been part of Asia in the same place as it is found now and is not moving in the north eastern direction. Therefore the indo-Australian plate did not go suddenly below the Burmese plate.
So the earth quakes on 26 -12 -2004 and 28 – 3 -2005 and the Tsunami are only the result of the rising of the island, simeulue, above its original level.
First Cretaceous mammal from India... a wide distribution of these creatures and suggests that the Indian plate was not isolated from northern continents depsite the geological evidence. ...
I, Scientist G. Ponmudi humbly wish to inform you the following:
Why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ?
On 2009-09-02 the earthquake which was of 7.3 on the Richter scale and shook Java, one of the islands in the group of Indonesian islands, claimed 75 lives.
The explanation given by geologists is that, India and Australia are found on a huge rocky plate, which is moving in the northern direction and sliding below the rocky plate on which the group of Indonesian islands is situated and rubbing against it. This is the root cause of earthquakes.
But why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ?
Why didn’t the island of Sumatra or the island of Andaman experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ?
How is it possible for the Indo-Australian rocky plate to slide only below the island of Java alone?
How is it possible for the Indo-Australian rocky plate to slide below different islands on different days?
What is the real reason behind the striking of earthquakes in different islands of the Indonesian islands on different days?
Volcanoes result in earthquakes.
There are one hundred and thirty volcanoes in the Indonesian islands.
When the molten rock material in these volcanoes cools down and hardens to form rocks, hot gases and water are released from it. This produces rocks of lesser density from high density molten rock.
A thing of lesser density will float in a liquid of higher density.
Hence, when the newly formed rocks of lesser density in the volcanoes below the Indonesian islands rise upwards their edges rub against the edges of the nearby rocky plates, resulting in earthquakes on that particular island alone